Wednesday 28 October 2009

Happy Birthday... Evelyn Waugh

I'm not obssessed, I swear, but it's his birthday today. Celebrate by reading Mad World by Paula Byrne or even just dip back into Decline & Fall or Brideshead. Go on, treat yourself.


Paula said...

Hi Jo---Paula Byrne here. I wanted to thank you for your lovely comments about Mad World. I also wanted to say how much I love your blog--especially your taste in literature. I have had a horrible week, so this has cheered me enormously.

Jo said...

Paula: Thank you for your comments and welcome to the blog. Am thrilled you read it as I absolutely loved your book for its background knowledge and plan to get your other one for my spa weekend....

The literature and times of that period are of utter fascination for me - HD and Imagism was the subject of my uni course and unending fascination so always thrilled to know more and fill more and more blanks.

At the risk of sounding like a complete idiotic fan, am in thrall and look forward to more...